Give Yourself a Break – Rest Your Mind for Greater Success

visit a museum

visit a museumDo you give yourself enough time to rest your mind? I know that when I work on my business nonstop for hours at a time, eventually I get to the point where I can tell I need a break. Usually, I find myself starting at the screen for long periods of time, or struggle to spell basic words. Sometimes, I get stuck in my writing because I am not sure where I want the piece to go, or I can tell that something isn’t working.

If any of those things happen to me, I know it’s time to take a break. Sometimes, I know I need to call it a day. Other times I switch gears and do something else, like clean something, eat a meal, or exercise. Here are some strategies I use when it’s break time.

Have an Artist Date

Yesterday, I shared a video with you sharing some of Julia Cameron’s strategies for artists. Sometimes, I take a break by going on a “artist date”. These are calculated solo outings that are designed to feed my creative self. My favorite outings include hiking, visiting a museum, and taking a class that is unrelated to writing. As an example, I once went to a “paint night” as one of my Artist Dates.


Writing and internet marketing are both solitary endeavors. Sometimes, I like to take a break for my business by socializing. For example, my sister and I set aside one night a week to do something fun together. Or, I’ll call a friend to go out for dinner or to a local bar. Staying connected to the outside world is sometimes just what I need to hit a “reset switch” inside my mind.

Take Your Work Elsewhere

Whenever I start losing focus at home, I pack up my laptop and head out. I’ll visit a restaurant, cafe, the library, or my favorite bookstore so that I can get my work done. Sometimes, I need to be out in the world even though I feel like working. Also, I often overhear conversations that provide inspiration for blog posts or articles!

What do you like to do when you can tell you need a break from your work? Leave your response in the comments – I love hearing from you! 😀

Comments (2)

  1. Maria P.

    Hi Katherine,

    Whenever I need a break I like to paint, exercise, or visit museums. I read Julia Cameron’s book about 10 years ago and love all the inspiration she shares.

  2. Katherine (Post author)

    Julia Cameron is an inspiring woman – one of my favorites! I think your list of “break time” activities sounds wonderful!


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