
Is Being a Success Your Only Option?


I need to come clean about something. My goal is to build my writing business to the point where I will have a six figure income.

Currently, I am reading Tony Robbin’s Awaken the Giant Within and I read something that really made sense. I’m paraphrasing but the basic idea is that in order to be successful, we need to believe that what we want will absolutely happen. In other words, the only option is that we will succeed – there is no other alternative.


I Have a Question For You


I am entering a new phase of this blog. As you may recall, I originally started this blog as a way to share with you my journey of making money online. You know what? Even though that is still my mission, I’ve realized that this blog needs to evolve in the same way that my business is. Here’s some more information about what I’ll be doing with this blog.
