Writers: Don’t Get Stuck in the “Low Pay” Zone!

make more money writing

I am a big fan of using sites like iWriter, Textbroker, and The Content Authority (all sites I have personally used and have enjoyed) but I do know that it is all too easy to get stuck.  I have personally used iWriter, Textbroker, and The Content Authority, all with great results. Right now, my favorite is iWriter simply because there is so much work available, I know I can log in and always find at least a few articles to write.

My biggest advice to new writers is to use these sites to learn how to write for the internet and to get used to completing work for clients, and then move on. I know writers who still use these sites as their main income stream, even after being freelancers for several years.

Oh, how they’re missing out. There are many higher paying opportunities out there for writers, if only they know where to look! Here is some advice that will help you break free from writing for low pay and help you get paid the rates you deserve.

Set goals. How much money do you want to make? Are you making that now? If not, what would you need to do at your current level to make that kind of money? It’s much harder to make a good living on $5 an article. Imagine doing the same amount of work but getting paid more for your efforts. Think about how much you would like to earn, and then use these strategies to make it happen!

Timeline. In order for a goal to really mean something, you need a timeline. Set a date for when you stop relying on low-paying work to make your living. Is it six months from now? One year? I would set a timeline that is realistic so that you don’t get stressed. Anywhere from six months to a year is ideal.

Contact potential clients. One thing I learned is that in order to find clients who have the money to pay you what you’re worth, you need to contact them directly. Any business that is “B2B” is a very strong candidate. These are the companies that usually have enough money in their budgets to hire freelance writers. In addition, I would also contact traditional marketing and advertising companies, search engine optimization firms, and social media companies. Gather a list of around one hundred names and place them in a spreadsheet. This is your new contact list.

What to send clients. The best way I have found to contact companies is to send an email. Tell them who you are (a writer), what you can do for them, and what your rates are. Simple, right? Right a form letter in advance, but change it slightly for each company you contact to give them the clue that you know who they are and understand their business. After a few weeks, send them a follow up message reminding them of who you are, what you can do for them, and what your rates are.

What to charge. Set your rates at $.05 a word and then raise it over time as you gain more experience. Currently, I charge anywhere from $30-$50 a page, depending on the nature of the project. If it will require a lot of research, I charge more. I do give discounts for bulk orders of twenty five pages or more when it makes sense, but you don’t have to do this at first, or at all.

This Really Works – And You’ll Be in Demand

What I like about this method is that it WORKS and there’s no need to cold call. Whenever I send a new email campaign, I usually pick up a few new clients. Companies need people to write excellent content for them. The days where poorly written, keyword stuffed articles perform well in the search engines are completely gone. In fact, many companies that have this kind of content published on their blogs often suffer severe penalties and experience a drastic loss of revenue, sometimes numbering in the millions. If you can write excellent content, or simply just decent content, you will be highly in demand.



Comments (2)

  1. Jessica B Woods

    *Raises her hand guiltily in the back of the room* THIS IS ME…my name is Jessica B. Woods, and I let myself fall into the “low paying zone” trap!!!

    Well, to be fair, I haven’t been a full time freelance writer for all that long, so I guess you could say it just took me a little longer than planned to move up and out of the “zone”. I love your approach, and I think I’ll share it with my FB page, if it’s okay. I think there are a lot of us that cut our teeth on the “mills” and then just have no clue how to move on. Admittedly, I’ve found most of my better-paying clients accidentally, through forums and previous clients, but I’ve been considering contacting local businesses as I see a need for decent web content on their sites.

    Great post!

    1. Katherine Huether

      Hi Jessica, I am so glad you enjoyed my post and I would love it if you shared it! The Mills are so easy to use, I admit it’s all too easy to get stuck there. But finding high paying clients is well worth the effort. Let me know how it goes!


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