10 Things to Do Before I Turn 40

turning 40When I turned thirty, I didn’t give it much thought. My birthday came and went, and I exhaled with the belief that I didn’t feel any different. Now, seven years later, I still don’t feel different.

However, roughly two and a half years before my fortieth year, I know better. Life is to be celebrated. Birthdays are a reminder that there may be things that I have to do or tasks that have been left unfinished. If I’m going to reach all these goals by the time my birthday comes, I better get started.

My list is unique to me and what I want to accomplish. You are free to adopt this as your list or you can use it as inspiration when you make yours.

1. Buy a fabulous dress.

I just watched the Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn version of Sabrina and in it, she told David, her wealthy crush, that she had the perfect evening dress for the party. When she entered the room, all eyes were on her. I want a fabulous, designer dress that I can wear to parties like that.

2. Go to Venice for Carnevale.

I lived in Germany during Carnevale for three years. I bought a mask for the festivities. I never went. Rather than regret it, I’ve put it on my list. 🙂

3. Read a novel from cover to cover in German.

My German skills are fantastic but reading a novel from cover to cover is something I’ve not tried. Now’s the time!

4. Become a fluent Greek speaker.

This is the language of my ancestors. Both my parents speak. I’m sure it will take me at least two years to get where I want to be with this language!

5. Read a classic that I’ve overlooked.

There are plenty I’ve never read and would like to – such as Les Miserables, Tale of Two Cities, and The Three Muskateers. When I was growing up, I gravitated to Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters. It’s time to branch out!

6. Relearn how to play the piano.

I half-heartedly played the piano when I was a kid. As an adult, I barely touched it. Now, I plan on revisiting this instrument but this time, I’m going to learn how to play jazz piano!

7. Stay in an old hotel and attend their gala on New Year’s Eve.

When I lived in Germany, I stayed in several castle hotels. Most of them had a gala New Year’s Eve celebration complete with an elegant dinner with multiple courses and a grand ball for dancing. Perhaps next New Year’s will be the year?

8. Climb the Zugspitz.

This is the tallest mountain in Germany. I wasn’t in shape when I lived near the Zugspitz and I regret not climbing it. Over the next year, I’ll complete hikes here in New Hampshire and get myself in shape so I can finally climb that mountain successfully. There’s a beer garden at the top, so that should give me plenty of incentive!

9. Make a living with my websites.

My days of working for others in any capacity are numbered. My goal is to make a living exclusively with my website. This means at least $10,000 a month by August 2017. Personally, I believe I can get to that amount well before that.

10. Write a novel.

I have a few novels half started. Why is that? I’m not sure. I think I just need to pick an idea and stick with it.

What’s your list? Share it with me in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.


Comments (2)

  1. philip watkins

    You have done a great deal more than me but your name Kathy Tsoukalas Huether is not visible , unless I overlooked it . good job

  2. Kathy

    My blog is a work in progress. 🙂 My name is in my “About” page but I still need to put it in the side bar. Cheers!


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